1. How can I get involved/help the group? The 17th St Albans Scout Group is run entirely by volunteers and there are lots of ways that adults can help us. Some of the bigger roles come with training whilst some areas involve only a few hours a year. Volunteering is very rewarding and you’d be joining a friendly and welcoming group. If you’d like to know more please speak to a leader about opportunities.

2. Do I need a uniform immediately? No, take the first few weeks to make sure your section right is for you before buying the uniform. If you have a uniform from a previous group or section it’s fine to wear that. The uniform is required before you are invested however we’ll give you plenty of warning before this happens.

3. I’ve got problems with Online Scout Manager (OSM), who do I go to for help? Try the Help Centre on OSM first and then ask your leaders to see if they can help.

4. Do I need to respond to an event invite if I’m not attending? Yes please! Answering Yes or No really helps us with planning events and booking for the right numbers. If you don’t respond to the mail we don’t know if you are joining us or not until the signup deadline.

5. I’ve signed up for an event but can’t attend, can I get a refund? We can’t always offer refunds as many events require us to pay in advance and a number of costs (e.g. food) depend on the numbers attending. If you require a refund please speak to a leader and we’ll see what is possible.

6. Do you really need permission forms before an event? Yes, we can’t accept your people onto an overnight event without a signed permission form. These will be sent out before an event and the sooner you return them to us the better. We may not have spare forms if you have forgotten it.

7. How much do leaders get paid? Everyone involved with the 17th St Albans Scout Group, including all leaders and Trustee Board members, are unpaid volunteers.

8. What equipment do I need to buy? Leaders will inform you when you join the section if there is anything you need to buy. They will send out full kit lists in advance of events however most items will be things you already own.

9. Do you sell 2nd hand equipment and uniforms? Yes, we have a rack at the hut showing some of the items currently for sale and the leaders can advise what else we have. If you wish to donate used equipment or uniforms please speak to the leaders.

10. What is Gift Aid? Gift Aid is a scheme that allows us to claim an extra 25p for every £1 we collect in subs from the HMRC. If you allow us to claim gift aid when you join Scouts it makes a huge difference to the revenue of the Group at no extra cost to you.

11. Do you have any group clothing available? If you sign up to become a Supporter Of The 17th St Albans Scout Group we will provide you with a free t-shirt for each donation. Please speak to your leaders for details